YES, I’m an ER physician…
but I’m also a best-selling author, coach, and wellness expert, and I’m here to help you take charge of your health, body, bank account, and life.
See, I’m on a mission to help ambitious, go-getter women like YOU live life at an even higher level.
When I say “higher level” I really freakin’ mean it!
Now, I know that you want to wake up, put your favorite clothes on a tighter, more toned body and walk out your house with confidence. But what I also know is that you want even more than that. You want to feel unconditionally awesome, completely empowered, totally in control, wildly capable of going after everything you want. AND, you want to do it without freaking out, giving up, getting overwhelmed, thinking “I can’t” or never even starting because you’re not sure where to begin.
If you know this story all too well, then girl, we got a lot in common… because I was that girl!
As someone who’s personally struggled with managing my weight, debt, and self-confidence, I see you.
Sure, I’m a doctor who can walk you through all of the nutrition guidance you need, but I’m also a real person. A woman…
One who is no stranger to hard work and challenges and hates turning down a good bowl of ice cream with sprinkles… just like you!
I know first-hand that advancing yourself forward professionally and financially while also staying fit, looking hot, and feeling sexy can feel impossible at times — but the fact is it’s all possible, and simple, and most importantly; YOU deserve it all!
The difference isn’t a new plan, or a perfect diet, or a magic pill. The difference is YOU.
It’s YOU deciding to own your vision, know you’re worth it, and take the first logical step. That’s why I’m here to help you have it all without feeling like a Cirque du Soleil performer with too many balls in the air.
My approach to wellness and wealth is different because it’s realistic, holistic, sustainable, and compassionate. (But don’t get me wrong: I will push you to become a better YOU because everyone needs a little push to go after their dreams).
So here’s what I believe . . .
In order to live up to your highest potential, you must make your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness the priority. You can live a life of joy, vitality, energy —the life of your dreams — but in order to do so, you must make YOURSELF PRIORITY #1.
I believe that WITHIN you is a confident, sexy woman screaming to come out! So the first step is honoring YOU for how far you’ve come, including your 100% unique God-given gifts because that’s where your real worth and value lies.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit! If you’re a bit more curious about my story, you can learn more about me here.
I’m glad that you’re here. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship, and I’m excited for the journey ahead!
Dr. Stephanie

So here’s what I believe . . .
In order to live up to your highest potential, you must make your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness the priority. You can live a life of joy, vitality, energy —the life of your dreams — but in order to do so, you must make YOURSELF PRIORITY #1.
I believe that WITHIN you is a confident, sexy woman screaming to come out! So the first step is honoring YOU for how far you’ve come, including your 100% unique God-given gifts because that’s where your real worth and value lies.
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit! If you’re a bit more curious about my story, you can learn more about me here.
I’m glad that you’re here. I hope this is just the beginning of our relationship, and I’m excited for the journey ahead!
Dr. Stephanie

Professional Bio
As one the nation’s most acclaimed Emergency Medicine Physicians, Dr. Stephanie Burgos is also a best – selling author, lifestyle coach, wellness expert, recognized speaker, and social influencer. Dr. Stephanie works with women on how to balance mental and physical fitness with personal and professional success.
As the Founder and CEO of HealthyER Doc and HealthyER You Project LLC, she discusses ideas and strategies to help busy women renew their energy, restore their clarity and rebuild their confidence. Dr. Stephanie has seen the devastating effects of leading an unhealthy life first hand in the ER and has made it her mission to help others “Live Life at a Higher Level,” using her charismatic bedside manner, optimistic outlook, and positive spirit.
Dr. Stephanie earned her Doctorate of Medicine degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and completed her internship and residency at Harvard. She is a graduate of Boston College where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree.
Professional Bio
As one the nation’s most acclaimed Emergency Medicine Physicians, Dr. Stephanie Burgos is also a best – selling author, lifestyle coach, wellness expert, recognized speaker, and social influencer. Dr. Stephanie works with women on how to balance mental and physical fitness with personal and professional success.
As the Founder and CEO of HealthyER Doc and HealthyER You Project LLC, she discusses ideas and strategies to help busy women renew their energy, restore their clarity and rebuild their confidence. Dr. Stephanie has seen the devastating effects of leading an unhealthy life first hand in the ER and has made it her mission to help others “Live Life at a Higher Level,” using her charismatic bedside manner, optimistic outlook, and positive spirit.
Dr. Stephanie earned her Doctorate of Medicine degree from the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey and completed her internship and residency at Harvard. She is a graduate of Boston College where she earned a Bachelor of Science Degree.

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